Support services
Financial assistance for new companies
Companies in Aargau have easy access to suitable research partners and the best technologies. They can obtain funding to significantly drive their innovation projects forward, allowing them to concentrate their energy on activities that give them a competitive edge: the development of efficient processes, innovative products and services.
Hightech Zentrum Aargau
Effective support for SMEs
The Hightech Zentrum Aargau supports feasibility studies carried out by Aargau-based companies in collaboration with universities. While the companies contribute financially and through their own resources, the Hightech Zentrum finances the research work of its university partner.
The Hightech Zentrum’s experts also help companies to apply for funding from the Aargau Research Fund, Nano-Argovia and Innosuisse.

Aargau Research Fund
Promoting applied development projects
The Aargau Research Fund specifically supports applied development projects that are carried out in cooperation between research partners and Aargau-based companies in order to boost their innovative capacity and competitiveness.

Nano-Argovia programme
A boost for nanotechnologies
The Nano-Argovia programme, which aims to promote innovation and develop expertise in nanotechnologies within companies in northern Switzerland, is funded by the canton of Aargau. It bridges the gap between basic research at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) in Basel and practical applications in industry.

The right partners
Other funding options
Innovation is supported in Aargau. There is a variety of funding options available to companies.
In addition to cantonal funding, the federal government also supports innovations that have an impact on the development of the economy and society. This support is provided primarily through the various programmes run by Innosuisse,. whose overarching objective is to make the Swiss economy more competitive and thus contribute to the welfare of society by increasing efficiency, reducing costs and developing new innovative and sustainable solutions.
Achieving our goals together