Financing options

Securing capital and promoting growth

Companies in Aargau have access to a wide range of financing options, which vary depending on their requirements and stage of development. Whether you’re a startup or an established company – there are suitable forms of financing for every stage of business development. We can provide expert advice to help you find the optimal financing strategy for your company.

Grafik Finanzierungsformen EN Grafik Finanzierungsformen EN
Business Angels Club Aargau

Private investors for startups

Business Angels Club Aargau acts as an intermediary between innovative startups and private investors. It organises regular events where young entrepreneurs can present their business ideas to potential investors and supports startups in their search for venture capital.


The club offers a broad network and extensive know-how to promote and support the development of young companies.

Private Investoren unterstützen innovative Start-ups
Other financing options

A variety of business financing options

From loans and equity capital to special funding programmes – companies in Aargau have access to a wide range of financing options. There are various forms of financing to choose from, depending on the stage of the company’s development. We can advise you on the right options for your project, so that you can achieve your growth targets.

Crowdfunding enables the launch of projects and startups with the help of a large number of investors and supporters.


Crowdfunding (capital in exchange for products or services)

Crowdlending (capital in exchange for interest payments)

Crowdinvesting (capital in exchange for shares)

One of the main purposes of banks is to grant loans. These include business loans and overdrafts, as well as microcredits and special financing. Banks offer startup and business accounts for young companies and provide advice on financing issues. 


Here is a selection of possible partners:


Achieving our goals together

Do you have questions about setting up a company, permits or financing options? Or are you looking for important contacts in Aargau?We’ll be happy to help.
Jarkko Schaad Jarkko Schaad