FenX AG, Turgi Start-up Beratung im Kanton Aargau

Startup consulting

Starting a business

From idea to company

Do you have a business idea and want to start a company? We’d be happy to use our network and expertise to support you on your business journey. We’ll provide free, expert advice on any questions and topics related to your business and put you in touch with the necessary contacts.

Business idea

Business plan: your guide to success

Every good business idea needs a business plan. It serves not only as a useful source of inspiration at the beginning, but also as a guide to a successful business launch down the line. A business plan identifies possible business options, as well as risks and opportunities. A good business plan is crucial for potential financing partners, as it increases your company’s chances of success.

Businessplan: Der Leitfaden für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. © Bild: Adobe Stock
Start-up phase

Good preparation is key

Before you start: good preparation is the key to success – and it’s no different when it comes to setting up a company. There are many things you can clear up before you start your business, so that you don’t have to correct them later. This will save you time and money.

Planning to start a company? We offer free consultations and can put you in touch with the contacts you need.


In addition to consulting, the Institute for Young Entrepreneurs (IFJ) also offers a wide range of free courses on establishing a startup and beyond.

Starting any kind of company will come with costs, which will vary depending on the type of business structure. You’ll need to think about notary fees, commercial register fees and the nominal capital or share capital required for a limited liability company or public limited company.

There are various platforms that enable you to set up a business online: 

Startup spaces

Flexible working made easy

Are you looking for workspaces for your startup that you can use quickly and easily, as and when you need them? You’ll find them in Aargau. 

TECHNOPARK® Aargau supports startups and innovative SMEs by offering them flexible workspaces, coworking spaces and a vibrant community. It promotes startups through coaching, mentoring and networking events, while also facilitating access to a broad innovation ecosystem. 

Park Innovaare – located in the immediate vicinity of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen – offers the best conditions for startups looking to enter the market. 


Park Innovaare provides targeted and sustained support to academic spin-offs, high-tech startups, R&D-oriented SMEs and large companies from Switzerland and abroad in the areas of business establishment and development, realisation of R&D projects, interdisciplinary cooperation and networking. 

Co-working spaces in the canton of Aargau offer flexibility and make it easy to connect with other business owners and freelancers. They promote creativity and productivity by providing an exciting work environment. In addition, they provide cost-effective and immediately available workspaces without any long-term contractual obligations.



The right partners by your side

Innovation is supported in Aargau. There is a variety of funding options available to companies.

Fördermittel (2)
Coaching services

Get support from professionals

There is a range of advisory and coaching services available for startups, which involve an application and selection process.

genisuisse offers coaching and mentoring for startups to help them develop, refine and implement their business ideas. With its down-to-earth, pragmatic approach, genisuisse provides startups with targeted, successful long-term support at every stage.

Innosuisse is the Swiss agency for promoting innovation. It supports innovative projects through financial support, coaching and networking between companies and research institutes. The agency’s aim is to boost the competitiveness and sustainability of the Swiss economy.

FHNW’s Swiss Startup Challenge supports students and employees in developing and implementing their business ideas. Each year, the best projects are rewarded with prize money and support from coaches. The aim is to promote entrepreneurial activity and support the establishment of independent companies.


The right way to raise capital

There are many different ways for companies to obtain loans and capital. Various forms of financing are available depending on the phase of the company’s development. We’ll be happy to advise you on this.

Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten im Aargau.

Startups from Aargau


Achieving our goals together

Do you have questions about setting up a company, permits or financing options? Or are you looking for important contacts in Aargau?We’ll be happy to help.
Jarkko Schaad Jarkko Schaad