
Welcome to Switzerland – in the heart of Europe!


Aargau as a business hub: strategic location, excellent connections


Hightech Zentrum Aargau
Swiss Photonics Integration Center (Swiss PIC)
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Health Innovation Hub Aargau
Plastics training and technology centre (KATZ)
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
SNI Swiss Nanoscience Institute
Park Innovaare
Economic Promotion Agency
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg
ETH Zürich
Plastics training and technology centre
SNI Swiss Nanoscience Institute
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
University of Basel
University of Bern
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
ABB Group Research Center
Syngenta Research Center


Welcome to Switzerland – in the heart of Europe!


Aargau as a business hub: strategic location, excellent connections


Hightech Zentrum Aargau

Hightech Zentrum Aargau works as a central innovation agency and supports Aargau-based companies – particularly SMEs – in their innovation projects. The team of experts supports companies with their innovation projects, from the idea and feasibility studies to the finished product and market launch. 

Hightech Zentrum Aargau


The technology transfer centre ANAXAM offers industry access to analytical methods with neutron and synchrotron radiation far beyond the laboratory scale, primarily at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The institute thereby promotes innovation and knowledge transfer. ANAXAM is based in Park Innovaare, close to the PSI.


Swiss Photonics Integration Center (Swiss PIC)

The technology transfer centre Swiss PIC offers industry the latest advancements in the field of photonics and promotes a broad spectrum of innovations with this core technology. Swiss PIC is based in Park Innovaare, close to the PSI.

Swiss PIC

Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

The Paul Scherrer Institute is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. The research focuses on three main topics: matter and material, energy and the environment, and human health.

Paul Scherrer Institut

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

FHNW offers practice-oriented research and development geared directly to the questions and needs of companies. With its comprehensive range of services, FHNW supports companies and institutions in developing concrete solutions to specific challenges. 


Health Innovation Hub Aargau

The Health Innovation Hub Aargau continuously analyses new developments in technology, diagnostics, treatment and support. This enables us to advance medical innovations more quickly and directly, develop new business models and launch collaborations with start-ups.

Health Innovation Hub Aargau

Plastics training and technology centre (KATZ)

KATZ conducts research in the field of plastics processing and supports and advises companies and universities on innovative projects in technology and applied research and development.


Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

FiBL is one of the world’s leading research facilities for organic farming. FiBL’s strengths include interdisciplinary research, joint innovations with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research to practice.


SNI Swiss Nanoscience Institute

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel is a centre of excellence for nanosciences and nanotechnology. The Nano-Argovia programme to promote innovation and build expertise in nanotechnologies in companies in northern Switzerland is funded by the Canton of Aargau. 


Park Innovaare

Park Innovaare offers an innovation ecosystem for high-tech companies of all sizes. Thanks to its proximity to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), it provides companies with first-class research infrastructure, supports their business development and connects them with science and technology experts.

Park Innovaare


TECHNOPARK® Aargau offers start-ups and innovative SMEs flexible workspaces, coworking spaces and a vibrant community. It promotes business start-ups through coaching, mentoring and networking events and facilitates access to a broad innovation ecosystem. 

Technopark Aargau

Economic Promotion Agency

Economic Promotion Agency is the central point of contact for innovation support in the canton of Aargau. Interested companies benefit from free advice and receive the right contacts for their concerns. 

Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

The Paul Scherrer Institute is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. The research focuses on three main topics: matter and material, energy and the environment, and human health.

Paul Scherrer Institut

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL is one of the world’s leading research facilities for organic farming.

FiBL’s strengths include interdisciplinary research, joint innovations with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research to practice.


Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg

The agricultural centre Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg is the competence centre for agriculture, home economics and nutrition in the canton of Aargau.

Its core activities include: vocational training, higher vocational training, continuing education and course learning, consulting and working groups, and advisory services in special sectors. 

Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg

ETH Zürich

Basic research is the foundation of the success of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). Interdisciplinary collaboration is strengthened in all fields of activity and thus also promotes the transfer of research results into practice and training programmes.

ETH Zürich

Plastics training and technology centre

The KATZ plastics training and technology centre conducts research in the field of plastics processing and thereby supports the entire spectrum of its applications. It supports and advises companies and universities on innovative projects in technology and applied research and development.

KATZ supports companies in development from product design to production readiness.


SNI Swiss Nanoscience Institute

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel is a centre of excellence for nanosciences and nanotechnology. 

The Nano-Argovia programme to promote innovation and expertise development in nanotechnologies in companies in northern Switzerland is funded by the Canton of Aargau. It bridges the gap between basic research at the SNI and industry applications.


University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and its departments work in teaching, research, continuing education and services. 

Its subject areas include applied psychology; architecture, civil engineering and geomatics; design and art; computer science; life sciences; music; education; social work; technology and economics.


University of Basel

As a comprehensive university, the University of Basel attracts students from all over the world and offers excellent conditions for studying at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level. In international university rankings, it usually ranks among the top 100 universities in the world.

The University of Basel can be reached within 20–45 minutes from Aargau.

Universität Basel

University of Bern

The University of Bern is a comprehensive university in the European university tradition. Its range of faculties includes theology, arts and humanities, social sciences, law and economics, medicine, veterinary medicine and natural sciences.

The University of Bern can be reached within 30–60 minutes from Aargau.

Universität Bern

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

As one of the nine public universities of applied sciences in Switzerland, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is supported by the six central Swiss cantons of Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden and Zug.

It brings together the departments of engineering and architecture, business, IT, social work, design/film/art and music.  

Hochschule Luzern



ABB Technikerschule is a public, market-focused and performance-oriented higher vocational education institution.

It offers technically qualified, ambitious professionals part-time education programmes, post-graduate studies and future-oriented continuing education formats. 

ABB Technikerschule


ABB Group Research Center

The ABB Group Research Center Baden-Dättwil is one of seven research centres of the ABB Group and is active in four research areas: power products and sensors, automation, power electronics and energy and materials. 

ABB Konzernforschungszentrum

Syngenta Research Center

The Syngenta Research Center in Stein is one of the company’s three key research and development sites for crop protection worldwide. The site in Stein also has a centre for soil health, a field testing station and an institute for seed treatment.

Syngenta Research Center

G erma n y M old o v a C z ech R epublic P oland Belarus U k r aine Lithuania L a t via R ussia S l o v akia H ungar y R omania B ulgaria S erbia G r eece T ürki y e A u s tria S l ov enia C r o a tia Bosnia Albania M a z edonia K os ov o M o n t eneg r o S pain P ortugal I tal y U ni t ed kingdom I r eland F r ance Belgium L u x embou r g Ne therlands G erma n y Liec h t en s t ein A u s tria F r ance I tal y A a r au B asel Z urich Bern Z ug L ucerne G en e v a Chu r Bellin z ona S t . G allen G en e v a Airport ( G V A ) A a r au – G en e v a 2 h 30 min Baden – Gen e v a 2 h 40 min B asel Airport A a r au – Basel 60 min Baden – Basel 50 min Z urich Airport A a r au – Z urich 45 min Baden – Z urich 30 min Mat erials E ne r g y D igital T ech I ndu s trie 4 . 0 F utu r e o f F ood Li f e S ciences E ne r g y D igital T ech Mat erials I ndu s trie 4 . 0 Li f e S ciences F utu r e o f F ood R hei n f elden L au f enbu r g B rugg B aden L enzbu r g M uri B r emga rt en A a r au U nt erkulm Z u r zach Z o fingen ANAXAM P aul S cher r e r I n s titu t e PSI H ig ht ech Z e n trum A a r gau P ar k I nn ov aa r e S wiss Ph o t onics Int eg r a tion Ce nt e r S wiss PIC E conomic P r om o tion A gen c y A a r gau ABB G r oup R esea r ch Ce nt e r P aul S cher r e r I n s titu t e PSI ABB T echni k e r schule ETH Z urich U ni v e r sit y Bern U ni v e r sit y B asel La ndwirtsch a f tliches Z e n trum Liebegg

Interesting facts about Switzerland

Welcome to Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the safest countries in the world and stands out owing to its political and economic stability. The federal state system, low capital costs, currency stability, solid purchasing power, moderate tax burden and pronounced innovative strength make the Alpine region particularly attractive as a business hub.


Most innovative country in the world

According to the annual study by the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Switzerland is the most innovative country in the world and reached this top spot for the 13th time in a row in 2023. The overall business environment, the use of new technologies, patents and technical expertise contributed to reaching this position.

Global Innovation Index 2023

Interesting facts about Aargau as a location

Aargau is strategically located between the Swiss cities of Zurich, Basel and Bern and borders southern Germany in the north. The key transport routes between Switzerland and EU countries run through Aargau.


The Zurich and Basel airports can be reached within 20–45 minutes and offer fast connections to international destinations. The dense rail network and the interval timetable make rail the most reliable means of transport in Switzerland.


Aargau has excellent transport links thanks to the dense public transport network, the A1 and A3 motorways and a well-developed road network. This makes it possible to reach major world cities in just a few hours.

Interesting information about Aargau as a business hub

More than 45,000 businesses are based in Aargau and highly value the pro-business and entrepreneur-friendly environment. They all benefit from attractive overall conditions, a dynamic innovation landscape and proximity to research and education.


Aargau is a particularly pro-business canton with a liberal economic policy. Administrative processes and structures are designed efficiently, and collaboration with the authorities is much more straightforward than in many other cantons.

Small and medium-sized companies as well as global corporations are successful in numerous sectors in Aargau. Its brands represent wide-ranging technological expertise and know-how in groundbreaking key technologies.


Business Hub Aargau

The canton of Aargau features attractive business centres and sites with extensive development potential. Whether you’re looking for short-term commercial space or long-term development opportunities for your company, you’ll find what you need in Aargau. 


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The canton of Aargau is home to renowned research institutions and leading educational establishments that work closely with industry to promote innovation.


Aargau-based companies benefit from collaboration with innovation experts who connect science and business even more closely. They have access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and attractive subsidies.


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