FenX AG, Turgi FenX AG, Turgi

Innovation funding

Strong partnerships

Supporting your innovative spirit

The canton of Aargau is home to renowned research institutions and leading educational establishments that work closely with industry to promote innovation. Aargau-based companies benefit from collaboration with innovation experts, who help to create even stronger links between science and business. They also have access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and attractive subsidies.


Many companies in Aargau have their own development departments so they can continuously drive innovation forward, taking advantage of the canton’s above-average tax deductions for research and development.

Hightech Zentrum Aargau

Effective support for SMEs

The Hightech Zentrum Aargau is the central innovation agency for companies in the canton. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular benefit from comprehensive support for their innovation projects. The centre’s experts will assist you from the brainstorming stage and feasibility studies through to market launch.


Our experienced team will also advise you on cantonal, national and international funding opportunities to ensure your innovation project is a success.

Hightech Zentrum Aargau, Brugg Innovationsförderung für KMU im Hightech Zentrum Aargau
Health Innovation Hub Aargau (HIH Aargau)

Innovations in health and medtech

The Health Innovation Hub Aargau continuously analyses new developments in technology, diagnostics, treatment and support. This enables companies to advance medical innovations more quickly and directly, develop new business models and launch collaborations with startups.


This initiative, supported by the Kantonsspital Baden, the city of Baden and the canton of Aargau, is a central hub for medical innovation in the canton.

Kantonsspital Baden Kantonsspital Baden, Baden
Boosting competitiveness

Practice-oriented research

Companies in Aargau can connect with first-class research partners and benefit from a wide range of funding opportunities to boost their innovative capacity and competitiveness. In addition to the research centres of internationally leading corporations, there are also numerous options for innovation funding, especially for SMEs.

FHNW focuses on practice-oriented research and development activities that are geared directly to addressing the questions and needs of companies. With its comprehensive range of services, FHNW supports companies and institutions in developing concrete solutions to specific challenges. This makes FHNW an important partner for promoting innovation.

The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. Its research focuses on three main areas: matter and material, energy and the environment, and human health. PSI attaches particular importance to making its scientific findings available to businesses and thus promoting innovation.

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel is a centre of excellence for nanosciences and nanotechnology. Founded by the Canton of Aargau and the University of Basel, the SNI aims to promote research, education and technology transfer in northwestern Switzerland. The institute thus promotes the development of innovative technologies and application of these technologies in industry.

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is one of the world’s leading research facilities for organic farming. Its strengths include interdisciplinary research, joint innovations with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research to practice. FiBL promotes sustainable solutions and effective knowledge transfer.

Connecting research and industry

Technology transfer

The canton of Aargau has specialised technology transfer offices to make it easier for SMEs to access research results. These offices support companies in various specialist areas and help them implement their innovation projects.

Park Innovaare offers an innovation ecosystem for high-tech companies of all sizes. Thanks to its proximity to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), it provides companies with first-class research infrastructure, supports them in their business development and connects them with science and technology experts. Park Innovaare is home to the two national technology transfer centres ANAXAM and Swiss PIC.

The ANAXAM technology transfer centre offers businesses access to analytical methods using neutron and synchrotron radiation that go far beyond what is achievable on a laboratory scale, primarily at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The institute thereby promotes innovation and knowledge transfer.

Swiss PIC is a technology transfer centre that offers businesses the latest advancements in the field of photonics. This core technology presents businesses with a wide range of innovations.

The KATZ provides employees and apprentices from the plastics industry with the latest practice-oriented expertise from the field. The national plastics technology platform supports companies in the development of technical products from product design to series production..

The right partners

Innovation funding

Innovation is purposefully supported in Aargau. Companies have access to a variety of funding opportunities to support their innovation projects.

The Hightech Zentrum Aargau supports companies in carrying out feasibility studies in collaboration with universities. While the companies contribute financially and through their own resources, the Hightech Zentrum finances the research work of its university partner.


The Hightech Zentrum’s experts also help companies to apply for funding from the Aargau Research Fund, Nano-Argovia and Innosuisse.

The Aargau Research Fund specifically supports applied development projects that are carried out in cooperation between research partners and Aargau-based companies. Its aim is to help companies boost their innovative capacity and competitiveness. The projects selected for funding are those that are highly innovative and offer significant economic benefits for the companies involved.

Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency, supports projects that increase the competitiveness of the Swiss economy and contribute to social development. The agency focuses on programmes that help to increase efficiency, reduce costs and develop new, innovative and sustainable solutions.


Innosuisse funds are offered in addition to cantonal funding and constitute an important building block for successful innovation.

The Nano-Argovia programme promotes innovation and the development of expertise in nanotechnologies, particularly within companies in northwestern Switzerland. Funded by the canton of Aargau, it creates a link between the basic research conducted at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) and practical applications in industry. The programme thus contributes to strengthening the regional economy.

There are many different ways for companies to obtain loans and capital.Various forms of financing are available depending on the phase of the company’s development.


From loans to equity capital, there are suitable solutions to promote growth and ensure competitiveness at every stage of business development.

Promoting resource-efficient innovation

More sustainability

The canton of Aargau is on a mission to promote resource-efficient innovation. In cooperation with partner organisations, Aargau’s Economic Promotion Agency offers special programmes to help companies develop sustainable products and services.

Georg Utz AG, Bremgarten Innovationen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit werden im Aargau gefördert.

Achieving our goals together

Do you have any questions about innovation funding in the canton of Aargau or are you looking for the right partners for your project? We’ll be happy to help.
Florian Gautschi Florian Gautschi