Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Villigen ©Paul Scherrer Institut

Research & education

A key advantage

High-tech and international

The business community of the canton of Aargau has been shaped by high-tech innovation and internationality for over 100 years. There is a long-standing tradition of renowned educational, research and development institutions operating in the canton and nearby. Close cooperation between industry, research and education is a high priority in Aargau. No wonder the number of employees working in research and development here is twice as high as the Swiss average.

Renowned research institutions

Boosting competitiveness

Groundbreaking innovation happens when entrepreneurs meet enquiring minds. Companies in the canton of Aargau can connect with excellent partners and benefit from a wide range of funding opportunities to boost their innovative capacity.


In addition to the research centres and centres of excellence operated by international corporations, there are also numerous innovation funding programmes available for SMEs. Find out more about funding opportunities.

The PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. Its research focuses on three main areas: matter and material, energy and the environment, and human health. The PSI also wants to make new research findings available to industry.

The applied research and development work at the FHNW is geared towards answering practical questions. With its range of services, FHNW supports companies and institutions in developing tailor-made solutions to various practical challenges.
The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel is a centre of excellence for nanosciences and nanotechnology. It was founded by the canton of Aargau and the University of Basel to promote research, education and technology transfer in northwestern Switzerland.The Nano-Argovia programme, which aims to promote innovation and develop expertise in nanotechnologies within companies in northern Switzerland, is funded by the canton of Aargau. It bridges the gap between basic research at the SNI and practical applications in industry.
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL is one of the world’s leading research facilities for organic farming. Its strengths include interdisciplinary research, joint innovations with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research to practice.

The KATZ Plastics Training and Technology Centre conducts research in the field of plastics processing and thereby supports the entire range of possible applications. It provides support and advice to companies and universities for innovative projects relating to technology and applied research and development. KATZ assists companies throughout the development process, from product design to series production.

The success of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) is built on basic research. In all its fields of activity, ETH Zurich places particular focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, thus also promoting the transfer of research results into practice and training programmes.
Corporate research centres

Companies investing in research

Many international companies have set up their renowned research centres in Aargau in order to benefit from the canton’s optimal conditions.

The Syngenta Research Centre in Stein is one of the company’s three key research and development sites for crop protection worldwide. The site in Stein also has a centre for soil health, a field testing station and an institute for seed treatment.

dsm-firmenich is a leading company in the areas of nutrition, health and beauty. At its Science & Research Hub in Kaiseraugst, more than 200 researchers from the fields of chemistry, formulation, application and analytics work together to drive innovation forward.

The ABB Corporate Research Center in Baden-Dättwil is one of seven research centres operated by the ABB Group and focuses on four research areas: power products & sensors, automation, power electronics and energy & materials.

Cooperation between education and industry

Solutions for the future

The close cooperation between education and industry in Aargau enables companies to be at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies. At the same time, it helps to retain young talent by implementing practical projects in industry. This is a key advantage, especially in times of skills shortages.


Thanks to its central location, Aargau is a popular place to work, attracting specialists from the business hubs of Zurich, Basel, Bern, Lucerne and southern Germany.

ETH Zurich trains outstanding experts and prepares its students to take on responsibility as critical members of society, thus making an important contribution to the sustainable development of science, industry and the community.
Swiss universities are amongst the best educational and research institutions in the world and enjoy an excellent reputation. Aargau is located just 30–60 minutes away from various Swiss universities.

With its nine specialist departments, FHNW engages in teaching, research, further education and services. FHNW’s wide range of degree programmes, proximity to practice, innovative research and global network make it an attractive and diverse educational institution and a sought-after partner for practical applications.


Its specialist departments include applied psychology; architecture, civil engineering and geomatics; design and art; computer science; life sciences; music; education; social work; technology and economics.

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is funded by the six central cantons of Switzerland. With more than 8,300 students enrolled in training courses and over 12,000 in further education, it is the largest educational institution in the heart of Switzerland.


It comprises the following departments: engineering and architecture, business, IT, social work, design/film/art and music..  

The ABB Technikerschule is a public, market-oriented, performance-oriented higher vocational education institution that offers part-time courses, post-graduate study programmes and future-oriented further education options for ambitious technical specialists.

Dual education system

High-quality vocational training

The Swiss vocational education and training system is unique and combines theory and practice at the highest level. Around two thirds of young people in Switzerland opt for basic vocational training that provides them with a solid foundation and opens up a wide range of career opportunities. There are around 250 apprenticeships to choose from.


The high standard of dual vocational education and training in Switzerland is internationally recognised and comparable to a professional bachelor’s degree.


This system supplies the job market with qualified specialists and managers and gives Aargau-based companies constant access to highly trained young talent. 


Hochwertige Berufsbildung in der Schweiz. © Bild: Adobe Stock