Siegfried AG, Zofingen Siegfried, Zofingen (3)

Life sciences and health

Life sciences and health

Prime location Aargau

The canton of Aargau is part of the life sciences cluster in northwestern Switzerland, one of Europe’s leading regions for pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical technology. Thanks to its strategic location between Basel and Zurich, companies benefit from its proximity to global market leaders and innovative start-ups. These connections, as well as the proximity to renowned research and educational institutes, promote cooperation and the exchange of knowledge.


Aargau also offers first-class healthcare and one of the densest networks of rehabilitation centres in Switzerland. New treatment methods and technologies for rehabilitation are being developed through innovative approaches.


Hub for innovation and growth

Aargau is a leading life sciences location in northwestern Switzerland and impresses with its central location and excellent connections to national and international markets. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies find ideal conditions for growth and success here.

Solvias AG, Kaiseraugst Solvias AG, Kaiseraugst
Contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs)

Strategic situation for success

CDMOs are key players in the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products. They help bring drugs to market faster and reduce production costs. Thanks to its proximity to leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Aargau offers an ideal base for CDMO companies.

Siegfried AG, Zofingen © Siegfried, Zofingen

Cutting-edge technology from Aargau

SMEs in Aargau are leaders in medical technology. Here, companies develop technologies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention – from imaging systems, implants and prosthetics to insulin pumps and consumables. Research institutions and universities in Aargau drive innovation and ensure the training of highly qualified specialists.

Kantonsspital Aarau © Bild: Kantonsspital Aarau

Innovations for the future of recovery

Businesses in the canton of Aargau benefit from a strong network of leading hospitals, companies and research institutes that specialise in rehabilitation. These offer access to state-of-the-art facilities, ideal for developing and testing innovative products and services.

Preventive healthcare

Focus on health and prevention

Aargau is a leader in preventive medicine, combining expertise, research and state-of-the-art technology. Companies benefit from a strong network that develops innovative solutions for disease prevention and future-oriented healthcare.

Kantonsspital Baden Kantonsspital Baden, Baden

Achieving our goals together

Do you work in the life sciences and health sector and are you interested in Aargau as a business location? Are you looking to network with relevant partners or in need of suitable commercial space or property in Aargau?We’ll be happy to help.
Josef Küffner Josef Küffner