Building a network

Well connected

Our broad network of authorities, associations, companies, banks, municipalities and regional location marketing organisations is our most important resource. It enables us find the right contacts for you and put you in touch with them.


Strong partnerships

The Aargau Economic Promotion Agency maintains and coordinates a high-quality network of important contacts throughout the canton. Take advantage of our network to promote your ideas.

Are you looking for a special contact in the cantonal administration? We will be happy to help you. 

Are you looking for a special contact at the municipal and regional economic promotion organistions? We will be happy to help you. 

Are you looking for a special contact at the regional planning associations? We will be happy to help you. 


Achieving our goals together

Do you want to build a network in Aargau or are you looking for partners for specific projects? We’ll be happy to help.
Anja Borchart & Urs Rothlin